Hey there, it's May 20, 2021. And it's time for a spiritual purge, I know you don't want to hear that, but God is speaking. You have no idea of what is being held up, because you refuse to fully repent, submit your heart to God, and surrender to God's will totally. A little dab won't do friend. God wants all of you, every single intricate part of you. Are you ready?
James 4:7-10 MSG, " So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet."
I didn't write it, but take heed to the word. The Message Bible is so thorough, I only use it when I'm desiring to make it as plain as possible!
If you don't receive nothing else, let go and let God. God truly desires to do more than you could ever think to ask, but He's requiring you to submit to Him totally. What do you need to lay down, in order for God to fully have His way?
Could it be:
You're saved but you have yet to fully answer the call?
You know it's time to walk in faith and do what God has told you to do but your pride makes you believe that you know better than God does?
You're still choosing to be worldly, when you know God is calling you to fast, pray, consecrate and purify yourself?
Sin is still fun for you, and you continue to ignore the warning signs?
You feel a tug like never before but the enemy has convinced you that, you still have time?
You're so busy with everything, yet you make excuses when it comes to God?
Just say ouch friend, because God is calling you higher. It's okay, The Holy Spirit and God's angels desire to help you. Get out of your way. Stop allowing your flesh to control you. You tell your flesh what to do.
If you're being convicted, rejoice because God is dealing with your heart right now. He yearns for all of you. He wants you to come and lay at his feet. He's waiting for His daughters and sons to return to Him. Can't you sense his presence? It's so affectionate. It's so tangible. It's so pure.
I won't close this blog out without first inviting you to rededicate yourself to Christ and praying with you. We are in this together.
Let's rededicate ourselves together: Father God in the name of Jesus, I bring all of me and lay it at your feet. I humble myself before you and ask for forgiveness for all of my sins. I repent of everything known (call it out, be bold)____________ and unknown. I turn from my wicked ways and make a declaration to rededicate my life to you totally. I submit to you and choose to walk in your perfect will. I make a decision to pick up my cross and walk with you. Lord I decree and declare that today is a new day for me. Today is the beginning of a new life for me. I'm walking in total obedience and I choose to trust Gods plan for my life. God I thank you for receiving me. I give you a fresh yes in the name of Jesus. Because of my willingness to follow you, I am now under the divine protection of your wings, and because I choose to resist the devil, he has to flee in the name of Jesus, amen!

-Tierra K London
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